Presentation of Stillfront Group's results for October – December, 2020


Clayton Stark utses till Group Chief Technology Officer CTO

Jörgen Larsson, CEO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 321 18 00 E-mail: Andreas Uddman, CFO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 080 78 46 E-mail: Denna information är sådan som Stillfront Group AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Jörgen Larsson, CEO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 321 18 00 E-mail: Andreas Uddman, CFO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 080 78 46 E-mail: Denna information är sådan som Stillfront Group AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. While Stillfront´s studios continue to operate semi-autonomously, a platform of shared services will be available for implementation across the Group with focus on security and efficiency.

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Andreas Uddman, CFO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 080 78 46 E-mail: Denna information är sådan som Stillfront Group AB (publ) är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Jörgen Larsson, CEO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 321 18 00 E-mail: Andreas Uddman, CFO, Stillfront Group Telefon: +46 70 080 78 46 E-mail:

Stillfront group -

PRESS RELEASE June 12, 2017 Stillfront CEO and CFO acquires warrants Stillfront's CEO Jörgen Larsson has acquired 60,000 warrants and CFO Sten Stillfront Group announces the appointment of Oleg Savschouk, Vice President Live Operations and member of the management team, as new Chief Executive Officer and of Phillip Knust, Director of Products, as new Chief Product Officer at Goodgame Studios, effective March 1st, 2019. Stillfront Group published its interim results for October-December 2020 on 17 February 2021 at 7:00 a.m.

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Intresserad av ämnet Stillfront? Här hittar du samtliga artiklar, kommentarer och analyser om Stillfront från Dagens industris redaktion. Bevaka ämnet för att hålla dig uppdaterad om Stillfront. stillfront group acquires candywriter, llc and discloses updated pro forma figures for 2019 thu, apr 23, 2020 23:39 cet. not for distribution or publication, directly or indirectly, within or to the united states, the united kingdom, australia, hong kong, japan, canada, switzerland, singapore, south africa or new zealand or any other jurisdiction where the distribution or publication of this In a statement, Stillfront CEO Jörgen Larsson wrote, “With the acquisition of Nanobit, Stillfront expands our footprint into the narrative lifestyle role playing games (RPG) genre, further strengthening Stillfront’s portfolio of Simulation, Action and RPG games and broadening our gaming audience. Robin ‘Eltharyon’ Henkys, CEO & The Sandbox Interactive Founder Team; Update: We've put together a little FAQ on the questions you've had about us joining Stillfront Group for visibility.
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Stillfront´s Board of Directors proposes no dividend for 2020.

Stillfront grundades 2010 av entreprenören Jörgen Larsson som fortsatt är CEO med visionen om att Stillfront ska bli det ledande F2P-powerhouset på marknaden. Jörgen har sedan tidigare varit med och startat PRESS RELEASE April 6, 2018 Stillfront: Strong user growth YoY Stillfront Group AB ("Stillfront") systematically works with improving the product portfolio to o Jörgen Larsson, CEO at Stillfront Phone: +46 70 321 18 00 E-mail: Sten Wranne, CFO at Stillfront Phone: +46 70 585 12 58 E-mail:
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Establishing this new role is an important step to further accelerate synergies and develop Stillfront”, says Jörgen Larsson, CEO, Stillfront Group. At Stillfront’s Capital Markets Update in Stockholm today, September 22, 2020, Stillfront’s CEO Jörgen Larsson and COO Alexis Bonte will provide an update on the Group’s long-term business strategy and goals, including an updated financial growth target for the period 2021-2023. Phillip Knust is appointed Group CPO of Stillfront Group Mon, Sep 02, 2019 13:00 CET. Stillfront, a market leader in ‘free to play’ online strategy games, today announces that Phillip Knust has been appointed as Group Chief Product Officer and member of the Group´s executive management team.

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Moonfrog provides us with a proven platform with experienced talent to build upon and an exciting potential to expand other Stillfront free-to-play games into the Indian subcontinent”, says Jörgen Larsson, CEO, Stillfront. 2020-12-31 · Board member: since 2007, CEO since 2010. Education: Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from Linköpings Tekniska Högskola. Former positions, selection: Co-Founder & Chairman ESN, Partner Deseven, Founder & CEO, Mind AB. Shareholding: 1,505,800 Warrants / Employee stock options: 170,000* 2020-03-31 · Former positions, selection: CEO and Founder of Goodgame Studios. Other current assignments: Managing Director of Laureus Capital GmbH.

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Everguild is a small and agile studio active within an exciting and popular niche. Having acquired Everguild, Stillfront will enter the collectible card games genre, therefore tapping into a new player base. "With the acquisition of Everguild, Stillfront enters the fast-growing CCG genre, further broadening our gaming audience and adding additional titles to our portfolio of role-playing games," said Stillfront CEO Jörgen Larsson Jörgen Larsson, CEO Stillfront Stillfront är ett av det mest spännande aktieplaceringscasen inom hela den europeiska gamingssektorn. Bolagets genomsnittliga årliga försäljnings- och ebit-tillväxten väntas bli 36 respektive 41 procent fram till 2022. PRESSMEDDELANDE 30 maj 2017 Stillfront förvärvar eRepublik LabsStillfront Group AB (publ) ("Stillfront") tillkännager idag förvärvet av 100% av aktierna i eRepublik Labs.

Previously, he spent time at Zynga as the director of development and messaging tool Flock as its CTO and vice president of engineering. Stillfront Group utser Oleg Savschouk, Vice President Live Operations och medlem i Goodgame Studios ledning, som ny Chief Executive Officer och Phillip Knust, som ny Chief Product Officer på Goodgame Studios, med tillträde den 1 mars 2019.