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Other translations. Nine people in the packed … If you want to know how to say gymnasium in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better. Here is the translation and the French word for gymnasium: gymnase Edit.
En person är anhållen misstänkt Gymnasium stängd efter hot: ”Hotfullt och allvarligt”. Publicerad 12 apr 2021 kl 08.18. Polisen utreder det som olaga hot mot grupp. Nyköpings gymnasium håller Skara gymnasium. 4. Engelsk a Litterature n . A Dictionary English , German and French ; von M. Christian Ludwig .
Easily find the right translation for Gymnasium from English to French submitted and enhanced by our users. You have searched the English word gymnasium meaning in French gymnase. gymnasium meaning has been search 1647 (one thousand six hundred and forty-seven) times till 4/3/2021.
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Gymnasium. collège. fitness. Other translations. Nine people in the packed gymnasium were killed. Neuf personnes ont été tuées dans le gymnase qui était alors bondé. If you want to know how to say gymnasium in French, you will find the translation here.
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Mathematics Teacher, French Teacher at Sjölins Gymnasium, Upper secondary School. Sjölins Gymnasium, Upper secondary SchoolStockholm University.
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UF-företagen Sweet French och Långvikin Kotikeksi på regionmässan i Vanda 25.2.2015. Långvikin Kotikeksi UF Skolan erbjuder A-levels (gymnasium), IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme), ett tvåårigt GCSE-program (General Certificate of gymnasium - Svensk-engelsk ordbok -
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our students went to the Regional Final at Kungsholmens Gymnasium. Häng med oss och besök Restaurang- och livsmedelsprogrammet på Jämtlands Gymnasium Wargentin Gymnasium.
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gymnase. More French words for gymnasium. le gymnase noun. gymnasium. la salle de gymnastique noun.
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… gymnasium architecture and design in France Looking for ways to say gymnasium in other languages? Check out our list for saying gymnasium in different languages. Be ready to meet a foreign friend!
We hope this will help you to understand French better. Here is the translation and the French word for gymnasium: gymnase Edit. Gymnasium in all languages. Dictionary Entries How to say Gymnasium in French? gɪmˈnɑ zi əm; -zi ə Gym·na·si·um Would you like to know how to translate Gymnasium to French?